New Frontiers: The Starry Rift

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New Frontiers: The Starry Rift - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Rozšíření pro hru: New Frontiers
Počet hráčů: 1–5
Doporučený věk: od 14 let
Herní doba: 75 min
Herní svět: Sci-fi
Herní kategorie: strategická, budovatelská
Čeština: není
Vydavatelé: Rio Grande Games
Autoři: Martin Hoffmann
Thomas Lehmann
Rok vydání: 2024
Sdílej: Facebook

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Základní informace

Žádné zbytečné zesložitění hry. Jedna nová mechanika, hromada nových startovacích planet a nové druhy všeho ostatního. Cena zhruba 1000 Kč.


Z hodnocení hráče IllusionKnight:

+ Xeno worlds are a unique new world type that adds much to military conquest strategies.
+ Xeno world mechanics are unique and have a major impact on your gameplan with its risk/reward effect.
+ The 13 new worlds are surprisingly diverse in abilities and have rather unique effects.
+ New Starter Worlds help flesh out Gene and Alien Technology worlds and have a lot of unique effects.
+ New development tiles and worlds making Genes world very viable and add an effective gameplan to them in comparison to their underdeveloped nature in the base game.
+ Solo mode is a rather unique and challenging experience.
+ Improves on all three metagame strategies in a balanced way.
+ Improves Aliens and Terraforming keywords a lot, making them as fleshed out as the rest of the base games’ keywords.
+ New goals are varied and have a different flavour to them compared to base game goals acting as a good supplement.

~ Most new military starting worlds have +1 Military in addition to another effect which stands out as being repetitive.

- Failure to add amended base game goals which are affected by Xeno worlds, making the interactions on those goals not obvious.
- Galactic Shipyards is way too over-tuned and its universally powerful effect makes it overpowered regardless of game-state.

8.4.2024 12:02:59

Zkusil jsem napsat do Tlamy a naskladnili. :)


8.4.2024 12:11:42 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)