Legend of the Five Rings

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Legend of the Five Rings - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 2 - 8
Doporučený věk: od 12 let
Herní doba: 45 min
Herní svět: Fantasy
Herní kategorie: karetní hra, sběratelská
Čeština: není
Vydavatelé: Alderac Entertainment Group
Five Rings
Wizards of the Coast
Autoři: Bryan Reese
David Seay
David Williams
John Zinser
Mark Wootton
Rok vydání: 1995
Sdílej: Facebook

Diskuse ke hře

FFG získalo/přebralo l5r

11.9.2015 21:31:22 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

A New Era for Legend of the Five Rings – Purchase of the L5R Brand by Fantasy Flight Games
For twenty years, Legend of the Five Rings has held a unique place among Collectible Card Games (CCGs) and Role Playing Games (RPGs). It is not only one of the oldest around, it stands out by being driven by its story…a story that has, in turn, been driven by legions of devoted fans over the past two decades. We at AEG are thankful beyond words to all of the awesome players of our games for making these past twenty years so special.

The time comes, however, when any healthy enterprise has to take a step back and look hard and critically at itself. We’ve now reached that time in the life of the L5R Brand. The focus of AEG has progressively shifted toward other types of games over recent years, so, after some hard and detailed analysis (and, yes, some deep soul-searching), we’ve concluded that it’s time to start a new chapter in the story of L5R. Accordingly, the upcoming Evil Portents expansion for the CCG, and the “Atlas of Rokugan” for the RPG, will be the final products for L5R produced by AEG. The L5R Brand will continue under a new owner, Fantasy Flight Games (FFG). We believe that the good folks at FFG, some of whom have themselves been involved with the L5R Brand for many years, will do an excellent job of carrying the L5R Brand and the story of Rokugan on into its next twenty years. Fantasy Flight Games anticipates that its first L5R product will be a relaunch of the card game as a Living Card Game (LCG), with a debut event at Gen Con 2017.

One major implication of all this is that our staffing will be dramatically changed. Many of our current members of the L5R Brand Team will be leaving us either immediately, or in the near future. We want to express our most sincere gratitude to these awesome people, who have helped bring L5R to where it is today.

Of course, many questions will almost certainly occur to you as you read this. Foremost among them, you are probably wondering what will happen to our upcoming events, including the Fall Kotei Season and the European Championships. All of these events currently scheduled will go on as planned, as CCG events. We’ll continue collecting the results, and will add those to our list of all currently outstanding tournament and event results. All of this will be provided to FFG, who will do their best to incorporate it into L5R and its setting once they’ve relaunched the Brand.

You will also have noted that Evil Portents will be the last CCG product, and would reasonably ask, why would I want to spend money on a product that’s essentially obsolete the moment it hits store shelves? Why would any retailer even bother carrying it? Well, we’re going to be making Evil Portents available to retailers and players through a pretty remarkable deal–essentially, we’ll be virtually giving it away for free. Details of this will be forthcoming shortly.

We realize that these are probably only a few of your questions. We will be sharing more information with you about the transition of the Brand in the coming days. In the meantime, you can direct your enquiries to L5RBrandLead@alderac.com and we’ll do our best to answer them. Again, all of us at AEG want to thank all of YOU for your dedication to the L5R CCG, the RPG, and the story of Rokugan for the past twenty years. We can’t wait to see how L5R evolves under the stewardship of its new owners at Fantasy Flight Games!

For enquiries regarding the above, please contact: Cynthia Hornbeck, Fantasy Flight Games (chornbeck@fantasyflightgames.com) or Dave Laderoute, Alderac Entertainment Group (L5RBrandLead@alderac.com.)

11.9.2015 21:31:53

Tak jsem tě
stihl vynindžovat :D

11.9.2015 21:31:59

I tak je to v pytli /e;

11.9.2015 21:38:39

No ty kokso
Nemám problém s FFG a už vůbec ne s LCG, ale dvouletá stopka a předělání mechanismů, to jsou věci, kterých se bojím...

11.9.2015 21:40:17

S FFG malý problém, s LCG jak kdy, stopka v poho. Mechanismy (potazmo nekompatibilita)? Je to v pytli.

11.9.2015 21:42:54 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

něco mezi
Na jednu stranu jsem za LCG formát rád, na druhou stranu jsem spíš čekal že se do toho vrhne AEG. By mě zajímalo jestli to bude jako AGOT 2 nebo styl LOTR LCG( za to bych byl radši :D :D)

11.9.2015 21:43:55

Záleží na komunitě. SW fandové si vydupali neLotRa. Imho spíš směrem k AGOTu. Nápovědou může být A:NR.

11.9.2015 21:45:40

Je na webu FFG potvrzena.

11.9.2015 21:47:16

Jde se tapetovat (e;

11.9.2015 21:48:57

se vždycky hodí. Hlavně, aby nějak navázali na příběh. Bez Makota ani ránu :D .

11.9.2015 21:49:38

No to mě moc nepotěšilo :(
To že to nebude kompatibilní mě ani nepřekvapilo, ale tak třeba se dočkám nových verzí Otaku a Shinjo :D

11.9.2015 21:51:11 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

Dva roky ďoura.
Můžeme pilovat Siege (e;

11.9.2015 21:56:26

A za 5+ let?
L5R: The Card Game (LCG) 2nd ed.?

11.9.2015 22:06:22

Na kolik příznačné je, že
včera bylo 11. září?
A v příběhu Jigoku prostřednictvím Pavouků vtrhlo do světa?

12.9.2015 11:03:22

Lehce konkrétněji? Lehce pozitivněji?

12.9.2015 11:38:34

L5R minis?
Sounds gooood...

12.9.2015 12:59:18

Spíš asi
l5r-descent/assault (e; Nicméně by každopádně mohlo dojít na Tomb of Iuchiban.

Reprint Ninja?

Nevím jak Diskwars. Kdysi byl l5r flavor, ale WH restart se asi moc nepovedl, co?
l5r Battle Lore?

12.9.2015 13:08:22 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

FFG diskuze

Tak nějak mi příjde, že je tam spousta lidí, kteří od hry odešli a teď se k ní "vracejí". Z jedné strany fajn, ale trochu mi to zavání bandwagonem a ten moc nemusím.

13.9.2015 19:31:46

Tak zatím to vyapdá nadějně i pro mezidobí

14.9.2015 09:59:01

co v mezidobí?

14.9.2015 14:09:28

Koukám na Conquest
a nějak mi to připomíná CoC. Nezbývá než doufat že se l5r nezmění na A Game of Rings.

15.9.2015 21:39:10

první várka vážných drbů

4.10.2015 18:59:50

Dozvuky ohledně koku a redemption

25.10.2015 12:10:25

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