Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Board Game

xxxxxxxxxx hodnoceno 3x (Seznam vlastníků)

Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Board Game - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 1 - 3
Doporučený věk: od 14 let
Herní doba: 130 min
Herní svět: Fantasy
Herní kategorie: kooperativní, strategická, diplomacie
Čeština: není
Vydavatelé: Archon Studio
Autoři: Jakub S. Olekszyk
Kamil Białkowski
Rok vydání: 2023
Sdílej: Facebook

Diskuse ke hře

Dojmy ze hry (gameplay, pravidla)

Moc toho zatím ukázáno nebylo ale minimálně pravidla jsou venku ke stažení. Jaké jsou vaše dojmy ze hry a budete si hru pořizovat čistě jen kvůli licenci, nebo vás zaujaly herní mechaniky? :) 

4.10.2022 14:21:35

detailne az na uroven pravidel jsem to nestudoval, licence me opravdu laka, grafika je jako ze hry, ale herne a zpracovanim(zetony, hrdinove, miniatury) vypada hra dost podprumerne, nemluve o cene za full pledge s datadiskama

asi si zase radeji zahraju elektronicke H3 HOTA HD, nez ze bych tohle musel mit ve sbirce, rad bych to nekdy deskoherne vyzkousel, ale cena si to u me neobhaji

4.10.2022 17:14:25

Pověst Archon Studia, jeho her a koment hodnocení hraní prototypu na bgg mě od hry zcela odradili.

4.10.2022 20:10:10

Archon Studio proste nebrat. Ikdyby to byl prerod treba MAFIE z PC tak ruce pryc!

4.10.2022 21:21:02

Duvod ? Neplni zavazky ? Mizerna kvalita ? 

4.10.2022 21:49:05

Archon - podpořil jsem #Chronicle X.  Můj buď úplně první nebo jeden z prvních kickstarterů.

Klady -  super kvalita figurek, nakonec hru dodali

Zápory - slabá kvalita papírových komponent, nedobře psaná pravidla, v podstatě to vypadalo, že udělali cool figurky a pak na to lepili hru. Tři roky lhaní, mlžení a výmluv. Vypadalo to, že financují KS starší projekty z nových KS kampaní. 

4.10.2022 22:03:41

@Touchwood takže něco jako dnes Mythic games? :D

4.10.2022 22:10:46

@Houp Naopak co sem četl postřehy člověka, který hrál prototyp tak měl ve skrze velmi pozitivní reakce. (lidi kteří to kritizují na základě fotek nebo minulosti studia neberu v potaz). 

Aneb závěrečné shrnutí toho co hrál prototyp: 
“This game is definitely not a crap, it has a lot of potential and I believe it can even become one of my favourite games. Almost every single mechanic was fun to me and I would recommend it. Will Archron Studios bring us the HoMM board game that fans deserve? I do not want to confuse, but it looks like they will!”

5.10.2022 10:17:38

@michaelnae To hodnocení je moc hezky napsáno. Nevím proč mi to připomnělo recenze “zákazníků” na heuréce: “Koupil jsem si tento produkt..”

5.10.2022 10:26:46

@Vito Scaletta A hrál jsi/ podpořil nějakou jejich hru, nebo jsi o nich jenom četl?
Já podpořil několik jejich projektů, všechny byly v pořádku doručeny. Kvalita komponent byla vždy na vysoké úrovni. Jedna z jejich her je dokonce naše nejhranější dvojkovka (troufám si říct, že lepší MOBA hra na trhu není… díky za případný tip). Je pravda, že v minulosti měli katastrofální komunikaci, kdy se člověk nedočkal odpovědi. To se ale v posledních pár letech dost změnilo a docela se snaží. 

K tématu… Mě hra zaujala především kvůli tématu. HoMM je moje herní dětství. Vizuál se mi líbí, i když některá ikonografie mohla být trošku modernější… Za mě se v grafice té trojkové předlohy drží až moc pevně. Trošku se bojím provedení bojů. Hlavně o jeho časovou náročnost, protože pak by to hru automaticky házelo do kategorie dvojkovek. Moc by se mi nechtělo čekat na tah, pokud bych byl třetí nebojující hráč. Zároveň doufám, že nebudu zklamán z možností při vylepšování hradu. Chci různorodost a možnost volby. 

Pravidla jsem zatím nečetl, gameplay neviděl, takže za mě zatím jen takový nástřel.

aka WantonDuke

5.10.2022 12:39:31

@Kulashaker jakou moba hru myslíš? Já jestli mohu doporučit tak godtear od steamforged games je top a teď jsem backnul Judgement Eternal Champions.

5.10.2022 12:48:28

@Skelos LOAD: League of Ancient Defenders. Zde přiznávám, že původní pravidla aktivace většině lidem nesvědčila - jednu stranu totiž napasovala do role obránce a druhou do role útočníka. V rámci druhé kampaně vydali upravená pravidla “Frost and Forest”, která formu aktivace upravila. Tím, že máme nahráno několik desítek partií (možná jsme už překonali i stovku) a hře jsme se dost věnovali, tak jsme ji ještě tunili pár house rules. Ale i bez nich je to dobrá hra. Na tipy mrknu, díky.

aka WantonDuke

5.10.2022 13:43:20

@Kulashaker A Skytear jsi zkoušel? Kdyžtak napiš do zprávy, ať tu neplevelíme diskuzi tématem mimo

5.10.2022 13:50:17

@Kulashaker co jsem tam četl tak pokud jeden hráč není na tahu tak ovládá při souboji neutrální monstra se kterými bojuje jiný hráč. Dále když není na tahu tak si lze mezitím připravit správu města a výrobu jednotek na další tah. 

5.10.2022 14:46:13

@michaelnae  já četl pouze toto: 



SoulReaverPL Sep 2022

DISCLAIMER: I've played the prototype in September, just before the Kickstarter campaign (November), so one could say it was a prototype close to what we can expect to see in actual release.
I was playing the video game quite a lot, so I might be biased with my expectations.
I was playing Polish version of video game and I am not sure how everything is named in English version. If you know the game well, you might see stuff being named very unfamiliar here. Hopefully you'll be able to cope with it.

Soon after I wrote that I've learned, that the person teaching us has missed some key points about the battle part. Attacker has initiative but only on the first move, from that point it alternates, so it should give my opponent "fair chance" to fight me (no, not really, he still didn't stand a chance, unless there are more rules that we weren't told about … well yes, I already know about two rules we weren't told about already). I won't be updating my initial rating, nor the review, since I still think it's just a 4 for me and what I wrote below is my exact experience with it and I simply can't change it.

To the point now. I give it a 4/10 only, because I'd like to try it just one more time, preferably a finished version, full gameplay etc, to truly be able to review game, not it's prototype. Otherwise, I'd give it a 2/10 - won't play it ever again.

First thing you should do before deciding, whether you should back it or not, you should take your pink nostalgia glasses off. Once you do, read about this game, how it works and then decide. Simply speaking, if you expect it to be HoMM3 (I will use this version of acronym), then you still might like it, but also, like in my case, what this game is and your expectations will go in different directions. If you'd like to play a deck building game I will describe in a moment, which by accident is set in the M&M universe, specifically made to look similar like the HoMM3, then you might actually like it.

Let's start with graphics - taken straight from the game or rather made to look very similar. One look and you know - you're playing HoMM 3. That's probably already obvious with the images you can find e.g. here on BGG.

Map / exploration: for a board game, it's very well made, probably best part of this game, when we think about conversion from video, to board game. Hex based tiles (7 hexes per tile). On a hex you can find what you remember well from the video game - mines (3 resources here - gold, ore and … probably crystals?), Trees of knowledge, Pandora's boxes, Learning stones, Witch's huts etc. Ofc not everything, but even these few selected ones should be enough to make you feel being in a familiar place 


On some hexes you will find wandering monsters described by their level only (I've seen only I-V, there might be more, heroes go up to VIIth level), when you go into battle, your enemies are randomly drawn from card decks based on their level or if you are stronger (higher level than enemy), they simply run away and you don't fight, which also means that you don't get any exp.

Cities - "base building" is implemented in the form of a few cards representing some of the buildings you remember from the game. Mage guild gives you a spell card immediately and allows to buy another for 5 gold. "Creature generation buildings" let you recruit bronze / silver / gold units (yes, units are split into these three tiers, more on that later). Very simplified, but does it's job. It wasn't anything exciting.
Capturing cities - I only partially know how capturing neutral cities works, since I had higher level and simply took it with it's garrison running away from me. Normally you'd have to fight enemies that might hide behind walls with towers. I didn't have a chance to see that part, since in our limited time I was only able to fight my enemy's hero, not his city, but even with more time, he could maybe rage quit before it … yes, I wasn't the only one at the table getting poor gameplay experience. I'll get to it. Anyway, after you capture a City, you can either upgrade your unit for free (normal to LOTS, more on that below) or increase resource production.

Character building (experience, skills, abilities etc): I could say there is none, but actually that is the main game part. Here is what breaks this game for me personally. That's not the HoMM3 I want to play. Just remember, it's me, you might actually love it. Your hero is described as usual, by 4 primary skills, your initial secondary skill and specialty. Sounds familiar. Now it gets weird, unless you accept that you're simply playing a deck building game. Those 6 mentioned statistics tell you which and how many cards are there in your starting deck. That's it. Whenever you level up, you draw two cards with secondary skills, take one to your hand, discard the other. Similar with artifacts and spells - when you buy a spell or find an artifact (in Pandora's box), you simply take card to your hand. When a new round starts, you fill your hand to the card limit (that grows as you level up) and that is basically it. Your whole character building is turned into simple deck building, over which you don't have too much control (keep in mind that this might be the prototype thing or demo gameplay thing). To give you an example of what those cards do:
- attack skill card gives +1 to attack,
- defence -> +1 to unit's defence,
- power -> increases spell's level when you cast it (use spell card with the power card),
- knowledge -> lets you take just played spell card back to your hand, also increasing spell per battle round limit by 1 (so from 1 to 2). when you think about it, nice way to implement relation of knowledge skill to mana limit and in turn, amount of spells you were able to cast in the video game.
Thing you must keep in mind, is that you can only play what you have in you hand (deck building, right? 


), i.e. you have knowledge and power cards but no spell card? … do I have to write where it leads to? sure, you can purchase spell card right into your hand if you have gold (and mage guild built at your base), but with longer game, by doing so you might end up with deck filled with spells and nothing to boost them or your creatures. It's kinda similar with artifacts. Whether you will have any use for them or not, is situational. Luckily, some cards have additional use (e.g. you have "some action" or spell power +1, stuff like that).

Creatures / battles:
Like I wrote above, you have access to three tiers of creatures. 3 bronze, 2 silver and 2 gold. Creatures are represented as cards. Their count is represented by two sides of a card - "standard" (I don't remember if it had any specific name) or LOTS (exact text from card). To make things simple, you either have one or two creatures of specific type. There are exceptions. I was playing as Sandro and as a Necromancer I had a card (as I leveled up - a total of 3 cards) which allowed me to upgrade LOTS into "3rd level of amount". Very unthematic is that I can do so if I have this card in hand and that I am not doing that after fight or just before, I can use this card at just any time "necromancing" my new units from thin air. Anyway, now my Skeletons and later (as I leveled up) also Zombies could have "3 lives" (like I wrote, that's the easiest way to think about it). Well, not exactly, since in this "necromanced" state they are actually weaker than normal (LOTS), unupgraded creatures.
Now about the battle itself, you simply move your units (cards) in 3x5 grid, taking turns in the order of initiative (creature speed + attacker wins on draws). Land units move up to 2 steps, flying ones - up to 3. When you attack, you roll a die with -1/0/+1 modifier to your attack, then deduce opponent's creature's defence (plus modifier from played card, if any) and that is the final amount of damage you deal. If enemy's LOTS creature "dies" you switch that creature's card side to "normal" and deal remaining damage (if any) to that card. You can also play spell cards as mentioned before. That's basically it.
When you're fighting neutral creatures (defending specific hex tile), your opponent controls these creatures giving them opportunity to play even when not in their turn.

Figurines / minis: I didn't ask about it, but I've heard that there will be a small set of them inside the base box. I am guessing that those will only be some generic Hero minis (I've seen those only, but I didn't ask if that's exactly the default part of the game), with whom you will move around the map. Actually, standees with portraits of specific leaders of our armies would be just as good, if not better (those minis are quite big in comparison to the size of a hex field, so you always have to take that mini off the tile or move it to the next hex, to see what's written on that hex (wandering creature level, instant reward, production increase etc.). Standees probably would be smaller, which would remove mentioned issue, but will they go for that solution when we know they will give us some minis in the base box? I actually doubt that, but we'll see. There will surely be minis addon with all the creatures and … sure, it would look great on the battlefield, but to tell the truth, only if painted. Also, you will still need cards, which those minis are replacing, so … it's just a visual addon that makes those fights tougher to manage.

I think I've described most gameplay and video to board game implementation aspects of this title, or at least taking into account what I was able to experience in that limited round count.

Now, I've mentioned that my opponent might have rage quit before I'd be able to reach his city (I wasn't able, as I'd need 1 more round and for test/demo playthrough, we've had this strict limit), because I (along with my partner, as we've played 1v1, but technically 2 ppl were controlling each hero) really destroyed him in PvP in the middle of the map. It was absolutely one sided. In video game - you have multiple heroes, even after loosing your main hero, you might be able to win or at least enjoy trying. I.e. game does not end for you. In slow board game (hey, let's face the truth, board games are slow), having single hero, single chance to either win or loose and to tell the truth - in our fight, nearly no chance to defend, means that even if you've more or less enjoyed game up till now (i.e. while exploring the map, gaining experience from fighting neutral creatures, gaining skills, spells, artifacts …), single fight against another player and you loose all the fun. We were kinda tied. both of us had 5 units (3 bronze, 2 silver), I had all units "LOTSed", also Skeletons and Zombies were "SSJ3". My opponent iirc had a single unit in normal state, others were on LOTS side. I had initiative, so spell once, knowledge card, spell again, power card, Marksman down. From that point on, iirc 3 out of 5 of my units moved before his, decimating him even further. Battle lasted 2, maybe three turns, with me loosing only single LOTS status. Completely one sided without much chance to fight back, when we were same level, very closely in unit count etc. What might be forgivable in a fast video game with multiple heroes, is hardly forgivable in a slow and short (with our limited round count) board game with single hero in play. Maybe that was a one in a hundred experience, but it was bad enough for me. Along with completely "removed" (turned into a deck building) RPG (character building) aspect of the original, this game is simply not for me, since I am unable to separate this game's overalls from it being implementation of a video game I simply love. This does not give me THE Heroes of Might & Magic III I'd like to play. I am really interested in a point of view of someone not intoxicated with nostalgia though.

5.10.2022 18:50:13 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)


tady zase jiná recenze. Osobně nedělám zatím žádné předčasné závěry zda to bude průser nebo ne ale určitě nebudu hru odsuzovat podle jedné negativní recenze prototypu (kde neměli dostatečně vysvětlené pravidla) když se to naopak někomu jinému líbí. :) Ale je jasné že tam mají co vylepšovat. 

Mateusz Żuchowski


Sep 18

Ok, I've played the prototype recently and I want to share my thoughts.

First of all, this game captures the vibe of the original perfectly. It really feels like HoMM. The exploration, city building, hero development (deck building) and the chess-like battle system are all here and are great.

The map is full of interactive elements. Almost all hexes have various objects - mines, marketplaces, observatories, stables, neutral towns, campfires, waterfalls, mills, etc. with familiar effects. Some give us resources, some artifacts, some other benefits. The most valuable objects are protected by neutral units and battles with them are very common.
The only flaw is that map tiles are kinda small - they look smaller than in the pictures, but at least they are not so table-consuming.

Battle system and downtime
The battles are more complex and longer than in an average 4x game due to their chess-like style, but are still pretty simple. As you probably know, the battles are resolved on a 3x5 battlefields with unit cards (creature minis are optional and ARE NOT the part of the core box). Each unit is double-sided with "a few" on one side and "lots" on the other (with Sandro's speciality, we have possibility to increase number of skeletons to their third state - "horde"). On its "lots" side, units have additional abilities and boosted stats and when defeated, they flip to their "a few" side. There is a lot of card-play during battles (spells, attack/defend boosts, etc.) and a little bit of randomness with an attack dice (results from -1 to +1). I've recognized familiar mechanics such as ranged/meele penalties and morale and they are implemented pretty well and are not too complex.
When fighting neutral creatures, I had to deal with them in 1 battle round, each additional battle round costs 1 of 3 movement points on the exploration map, so battles don't last too long. Neutral units are controled by another player, reducing downtime to bare minimum. I've played 2-player game, so the downtime didn't even exist, but on higher player count it could be noticeable (still not so long due to the fact that players are allowed to build and recruit during other players' turns).
Fighting another hero is epic and quite long, it is not limited to 1-3 rounds and requires more tactics. I believe those battles are rare and lead toward the end of the scenario (our scenario has ended after heroes' final fight), but I don't have enough knowledge about 3-4 player scenarios to tell how much it would impact the downtime.

City building
As I mentioned, we can build and recruit even during our opponents' turn (once per round). We can build dwellings, mage guild, City hall/capitol, Citadel and some faction-specific buildings. It works fine, but visuals are disappointing. Buildings are cards with their graphics on one side and the effect and the cost on the other, so after building, we won't see our structure at all. It is functional, but I believe it could be done better.
After purchasing the mage guild, we recieve 2 random spells to our deck and we are allowed to buy new spells (its like increasing our mage guild's level in the original). We can recruit units from dwellings even if we are not in our city, I like this simplifiaction, couse it speeds up the game. Citadel allows us to recruit more units (allowing to flip "a few" units to their "lots" side - after paying for it of course) and the city hall... you know, it increases our income.
Speaking about the income - we are gathering gold and recources every odd round - on even rounds, weekly events are revealed and I find this system super fun and thematic!

Every hero's stat, ability, speciality, artifact and spell is represented by a card added to our deck. Most of them help us in combat, some also on the exploration map. About the stats - playing spell power cards empower our spells, knowledge allows to bring them back to our hand after using them (having more spells in hand is like having more mana, so it makes perfect sense), attack and defence cards boost our units in combat.
I thought deck building won't fit HoMM, but fortunately it does. Unused cards can be discarded at round end to speed up the cycle. Leveling our hero increases our hand limit and allow us to play cards on their expert level. The deck building is implemented well, but I didn't notice any way to clear our deck from weaker cards. Maybe becouse the scenario I played wasn't long enough, there is a chance that longer games will provide such possibility.

Final thoughts
This game is definitely not a crap, it has a lot of potential and I believe it can even become one of my favourite games. Almost every single mechanic was fun to me and I would recommend it. Will Archron Studios bring us the HoMM board game that fans deserve? I do not want to confuse, but it looks like they will!


6.10.2022 11:03:36

Dle obou popisů se obávám stejné věci. Hraješ, hraješ, jeden souboj s cizím hrdinou a konec. (Ve třech hráčích vyhrává ten 3) Solo/kooperativní verze by mohla fungovat hezky.

6.10.2022 19:50:03

Vývoj hry jsem s očekáváním sledoval. Je vždy těžké navázat na kvalitní předlohu. Očekávání pak jsou velká. Aktuálně se mi zdá, že je třeba se smířit s tím, že výsledný produkt bude spíše light verzí toho, co to mohlo být . Použitá mechanika deck buildingu na veškerý rozvoj hrdiny vše hodně zjednodušuje. Není to ale nutně špatně. Prostě to bude jednodušší hra na motivy HOMAM3. Grafické provedení je ale dost fajn a nostalgie funguje :-).

7.10.2022 20:30:47

Mám te prototyp doma, tak kdyby měl někdo nějaké otázky, tak klidně pište, nebo u mě na Discordu: bartyx.cz/discord

Natáčím deskoherní videa na Youtube na kanále Bartyx Gaming!

26.10.2022 08:21:20

Mě by zajímalo, jak se liší hra ve 2 od hry ve 3. Zejména, jak je to s čekáním protihráčů, než já odehraji svůj tah.

26.10.2022 09:34:15

Dneska je v planu gameplay. viz


26.10.2022 10:01:35

Mě by zajímala vyváženost hry, jak dobře fungují jednotlivé mechaniky a jaký hra zanechává herní zážitek.

27.10.2022 06:50:40

Proklikal jsem gameplay a kousal se u toho nudou. Za mě teda odvolávám svoje nadšení a dávám pass.

Můj seznam her na prodej (pište SZ):

27.10.2022 13:07:47

Taky me to dost zchladilo. Rikal jsem si ze je to mozna tim ze jsem nerozumel ani slovu. Pockam jeste na anglicky gameplay a pak to odepisu taky :-)

27.10.2022 16:38:01

Zverejnena napln Battlefield expansion… Zajem zase trochu vzrostl… Link zde:



3.11.2022 21:02:16

HoMM 3 - srdeční záležitost mého mládí  .. nějaké ceny jsou uz známe?

12.11.2022 17:06:52

Vybíráme z Bazaru

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