Dead by Daylight: Desková hra

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Dead by Daylight: Desková hra - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 3–5
Doporučený věk: od 15 let
Herní doba: 60 min
Herní svět: Sci-fi
Herní kategorie: neuvedeno
Čeština: v balení hry
TLAMA games - logo
Autoři: D. Brad Talton, Jr.
Rok vydání: 2022
Sdílej: Facebook

Diskuse ke hře

Lze hrát i ve dvou?

Je nutný min počet hráčů nebo lze hrát i ve dvou?

27.2.2023 14:00:21

Oficiálně je to hratelné až od 3 hráčů. Čistě teoreticky by to šlo hrát i ve 2, ale musel by jeden hráč ovládat 4 přeživší najednou a to už je docela mazec a osobně bych se do toho asi spíše nepouštěl. 

27.2.2023 14:45:26

Ano jde, posílám odkaz:

v diskuzi najdete tuto odpověď:

When you put "2 players" as a player count on the box, it creates a certain promise that we weren't ready to make. 
We wanted to make sure that nobody would try 2-player as their first-game experience. 

However, for players who are really interested and who are experienced gamers, it is not hard to play 2P. 
Is it fun? Well, that really depends on what you're looking for in a game. 
We didn't feel that "Survive Alone" was true to the "Dead by Daylight Experience", but it is neat from a gameplay perspective.

For those that want to try an unofficial 2-player variant , it works like this:

- One Survivor player controls all 4 Survivors.
- Shuffle two sets of movement cards together to form an 8-card deck, and draw 4 of these. You should have 4 leftover in the deck.
- In turn order, select a movement card for each of your survivors. Each time you place a movement card, draw another one. 
- You can't go back and change Survivor movements once you place them down.

Just note that Survivor planning phases will likely take a bit longer than Killer planning phases. Also, because this mode was cut from the game, there are a few Killer and Survivor perks that are not prepared for these planning-step interactions. You might want to avoid putting any perk that affects card selection together with this mode.

Have fun!

22.4.2023 14:38:56

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