High Frontier - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 2–5
Doporučený věk: od 12 let
Herní doba: 180 min
Herní svět: Sci-fi
Herní kategorie: ekonomická
Čeština: není
Vydavatelé: Sierra Madre Games
Autoři: Phil Eklund
Rok vydání: 2010
Sdílej: Facebook

Diskuse ke hře


Pustil jsem do čtení Walkthrough. Na to, že pravidla mají celkem 10 stran, když nepočítám obsah, je Walkthrough docela upovídaný. Plno textu je balast, ale docela vtipný. Přidávám malou ukázku, která mne pobavila. :)

Fun With Math
Astrophysicists are funny people. No, seriously, they really are. I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the early production meetings for High Frontier during the discussions of what would be included in the game.

Astrophysicist 1: Should we include Fire-Breathing Dragonauts?
Astrophysicist 2: No, already in that other game. (see Origins: How We Became Human)
Astrophysicist 1: Okay, how about legions of mindless space zombies.
Astrophysicist 2: No, Race for the Galaxy has already cornered that market.
Astrophysicist 1: Rats! Hmm... what about marauding bands of libertarian space pirates?
Astrophysicist 2: Umm, hold that thought. (See section on politics in High Frontier.)
Astrophysicist 1: We need a hook, an angle, something that the people can get excited about.
Astrophysicist 2: How about lots and lots of complicated math?
Astrophysicist 1: Of course! The kids will love it!
Astrophysicist 2: And we can have individual player mats that look like spreadsheets.
Astrophysicist 1: Yippee! We've calculated "pi" to "infinity"! (translation: this is very cool)
Astrophysicist 2: Lets scrap that deck building game idea we had and work solely on this.
Astrophysicist 1: You mean "Project: Dominion?"
Astrophysicist 2: Yeah, nobody would want a game like that anyway.
16.2.2011 13:13:08

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