World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game

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World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 2 - 4
Doporučený věk: od 12 let
Herní doba: 90 min
Herní svět: Fantasy
Herní kategorie: desková hra, vývoj postavy
Čeština: ke stažení
Vydavatelé: Bard - Centrum Gier
Fantasy Flight Games
Autoři: Corey Konieczka
Rok vydání: 2008
Sdílej: Facebook

Diskuse ke hře

válečníkův charge

Takže dle mínění dalších hráču je to doopravdy tak, že se pohnete o jedno pole k vašemu hodu pohybové kostky.

There are two pairs of "extra move" cards:
Charge (requires Battle Stance): one extra space (during the movement phase) if you end your move in a space with a character or encounter (includes encounter tokens and board encounters, but not location encounters).
Intercept (requires Berserker Stance): move up to 3 spaces after your challenge phase to a space with a character or encounter token (may start a new battle at yellow level). Note: since it's up to 3 spaces, at yellow or red levels, you could stay in the same space and attack the character or encounter again (good for when you want to defeat a character before he gets away).

Remember, only one copy of a card per turn, so you can't Charge twice to get two extra spaces.
Charge is pretty much the only reason to be in Battle Stance. There are some other times, like when you're close to being defeated, but the one extra defense usually doesn't make that much difference.
31.3.2009 18:14:15

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